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Drugs System

Downloads: 3400 | Uploaded: 10. May 2021

Free download ScriptsESX


Grow weed in chosen place

Cook Meth in a Journey Van ( Breaking Bad Style ) with chimical ingredients and by choosing which action to do when, but caution, a wrong move could cost your batch, or your car.

Make Coke at a chosen place with chimical ingredients and by choosing which action to do when, but caution, a wrong move could cost your life.

Prepare Heroin with some Meth, some Coke, and a Syringe you've stole to your doctor.

Put drugs in pouches at different chosen places.

Use drugs and get special effect for each of them, but be cautionous, you could OD..

You can sell your drugs with my NPC Sells Script

Coke & Meth actions are randomly organized so you cannot just spam the good answers

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